22And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, 23except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me. 24But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. Acts 20:22-24
In his farewell address to the elders of the church in Ephesus Paul gives me a key to following Christ. If I want to move with God than God is the only one who can move me. He says, “none of these things move me”. What things? Persecution, threats, power plays, reputation, creature comforts, guarantees of provision, man’s opinions, success, failure, personal emotions, strong opinions. All of the things that normally move me do not move Paul. What moves Him? The Holy Spirit. He said that he goes to Jerusalem “bound in the spirit” and told by the Holy Spirit who is talking to him that “chains and tribulation await”. What obedience! To not know the things that will happen to him there but to know that those things will not be pleasant and yet he goes anyway? What faith! To leave the fruitful ministry of Ephesus where he was loved, respected, and cared for to not just walk, but run into the harsh reality of what awaited him in Jerusalem? This is what it looks like to follow Christ. The Greek meaning behind the phrase “none of these things move me” is very interesting. It means “to produce, construct, form, fashion or to be the author of”. Wow! Paul is saying no one else gets to write his story but the Savior. No one else gets to produce his plan but Jesus. No one else gets to fashion his future but the Holy Spirit. No one else gets to form his faith but the Father. No one else gets to construct his direction but Christ.
Would I be willing to do this? Pastor Wayne points out that most of us are just in agreement with God rather than obedience. We agree with God because what God is asking us to do is something we want to do anyway. The true test of obedience is when we are willing to move with Him into something we don’t want to move in or away from something we would rather stay in. The truth is that we let almost everything else move our lives except for the One who gave us this life. Emotions, infatuations, fears, frustrations, comfort, what’s popular or politically correct all take preeminent influence over our lives instead of the person of Christ. When we give these things sway or say over our lives, we are handing lordship to the temporary rather than lead to the eternal. At any given moment I can be moved by my appetite (I’m hangry), my lack of sleep (I’m cranky), my insecurity (do they like me), my fears (will this overtake me). How do I shift from being this double-minded disciple being moved with every passing wave of the doubt to the place that Paul professed of only being moved by the Holy Spirit? Paul gives me the key- “nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy”. Look at that! Paul was heading into an uncertain future, certain his future promised pain, and yet, he was full of joy at this prospect. To not love my own life, my agenda, my plans, my comforts is to truly step into an unending joy. To not cling to anything but Christ puts me in a place of complete surrender and fullness of joy because there’s no better place to be than in the middle of His will. So much of what moves me is moving me away from Jesus because it’s all about self-preservation rather than sharing salvation with those God places before me. So, with every competing agenda, every emotional wave, every unexpected crisis I am presented with the opportunity to move closer to Christ so He alone is moving me!
I want to move with You no matter where that leads because this is not about me. Forgive me for when I have made permanent decisions based on temporary emotions. Forgive me for when I have clothed my longing for personal comfort in religious garb. Forgive me for trying to find joy in anything else but wholehearted reckless abandon to You and Your will for me!