37Barnabas agreed and wanted to take along John Mark. 38But Paul disagreed strongly, since John Mark had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in their work. 39Their disagreement was so sharp that they separated. Barnabas took John Mark with him and sailed for Cyprus. 40Paul chose Silas, and as he left, the believers entrusted him to the Lord’s gracious care.
Acts 15:37-39
I love these raw unedited accounts of the growing pains of the early church. This chapter kicks off with a massive disagreement between the Jewish Christians who felt circumcision was still required for salvation and Paul and Barnabas who knew different. After much back and forth between strong opinions and even stronger personalities they were able to prayerfully arrive at an agreement that would affect the future of the Gentile church. “For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay no greater burden on you than these few requirements…” (vs. 28). Notice it’s Holy Spirit first and “us” second. This is the key to unity. It’s not about seeing eye to eye on everything, but finding God’s heart in everything. They were all able to lay down their agendas and follow Jesus. Then, immediately after this truly miraculous unity we see a division so vehement that it splits up the dream team of Paul and Barnabas. Paul couldn’t let go of the fact that John Mark had cut out when the going got tough on their last mission trip. Instead of talking this through with him Paul wrote him off. Barnabas, the son of encouragement, felt there was more God wanted to do with this young man. So, who was right? Well, scripture reveals that the willingness of Barnabas to toss the offense list and give John Mark another chance was the right move. This was proven by the fact that Paul later considered Mark "of great service" (2 Tm 4:11) and urged the Colossians to "make him welcome" (Col 4:10). John Mark became the first gospel writer. His gospel continues to be used by the Lord to transform the world even to the present. What would have happened if Barnabas had held on to that offense? Paul would later go on write 1 Corinthians 13:5, “Love keeps no record of wrongs…”. I can imagine the Holy Spirit reminding Paul of how Barnabas went out of his way to find him after he was rejected by the believers. His record of wrongs was pretty long and included killing of Christians, splitting up families, and throwing believers in jail. Somehow, Barnabas was able to look past all of that and see the anointing on Paul’s life. (Acts 11:25-26)
How many people have I written off because I’ve written their names on my offense list? Jesus once said, “It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! (Luke 17:1) The word "offense" is a translation of the Greek word skandalizo (verb) and skandalon (noun), which means a trap or a snare. It’s where we get our word scandalous. Today I have to ask if I’ve taken up offense or taken up the cross? When I get offended I’m fighting the wrong battle. Offense is like an automatic weapon. Once you pull the trigger, it keeps firing and sadly friendly fire has become the norm in the Body of Christ. The devil really doesn’t have to do much as we end up doing all the work for him. Where there’s offense there’s a fence and it’s time to tear it down. Because Jesus chose to forgive the unforgivable I can choose to be the unoffendable. Because Jesus endured the incomprehensible I can show mercy to the reprehensible, reprobate and rejected. For I was one too! Do they deserve it? Did I deserve it? I want to be daily undone by what Christ has done for me so that I toss my offense list instead of tossing relationships.
Jesus, your mercy has overcome my mistakes. Instead of giving me what I deserve You give me what You provided on The Cross- forgiveness and freedom. Forgive me for judging others by their intentions while demanding they judge me by my actions. Show me the areas where I have keeping records of wrongs instead of finding new ways to show Your love. Thank you for going out of Your way to call me and find me and save me and use me and wash my offenses in Your blood. May I do the same today.