11For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. 12And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God, Titus 2:11-12
As I drove to Life Group this morning the rising sun was burning through the morning fog and soon everyone in San Diego would feel its warmth. That’s the idea Paul is getting through when he describes the grace God being revealed to all people. The word here is “ephiphaino”, where we get our English word epiphany and means to shine out. Do you remember that moment when you realized you were being offered something you couldn’t earn, didn’t deserve, and desperately needed? That was the epiphany of grace! Notice Paul making it clear that the grace we’ve been shown is the grace we are to show whether young or old, male or female, at work or at home, for this is a grace for all people. It’s also important to see that we are doing good in an evil world that desperately needs to see the light of salvation or, as Malachi 4:2 describes, “the Sun of righteousness”. We do not to earn salvation, but because of salvation we do good. This is a concept unique only to the Christian religion and will stand in stark contrast to the worlds idea of earning favor. Grace, unmerited favor, brings salvation and from it we see wisdom, righteousness, and devotion worked out where we wake, work, and worship.
I was working on Sunday’s message at Lofty coffee easier this week where my son’s both work. I like being near them even if we don’t actually get to talk during their shift. One of Elijah’s college aged co-workers finished her shift and just before she left stopped to ask me a question. She told me her and Elijah were having some spiritual conversations while working and she wanted to talk to me about it. I told her I’d be happy to. She told me, “Last night I was with my friends family and they believe in alchemy which finds its roots in ancient Egyptian religions. They have stopped drinking and are living better lives because they have invited and archangel to take over their lives. Just as alchemy claims to turn lead into gold, so this archangel can turn bad lives into good ones. What do you think?” I’ll be honest, I didn’t know much about that pagan religion, but I felt the Holy Spirit direct me towards the same thing Paul was directing Titus to, grace. This is the distinguishing point between following Jesus and every other system of belief. Whether alchemy, Islam, or Hindu all have to work their way into their version of the after-life and acceptance from their version of God. Jesus didn’t come to start a new religion but to heal a broken relationship. I used the example of a child who performs well at school or sports to earn their parents favor or a child who performs well at school or sports because they already have their parents favor regardless of performance. With Jesus followers it’s not about behavior modification but internal transformation and daily formation through God’s Word. She said she had studied how many things have been done to other cultures through Christianity which she admitted has kept her away from even considering out faith. I told her I’d be the first to tell her how ashamed I am at the atrocities win history perpetrated in the name of Jesus and would also be the last to defend them. I also made it clear that Jesus spent most of his earthly ministry coming against the very ones who were supposed to be representing him. I finished by saying that every day I get up I fall to my knees to give God my day, not because I have to but because I want to. Walking and talking with Jesus makes me a better husband, father, friends, pastor, and neighbor. She was intrigued and wants to talk more. It reminds me of that saying, “Live in Such a Way That Those who Know You, but Don't Know God Will Come to Know God Because They Know You.” Hopefully grace was revealed to this barista that will lead to an epiphany of salvation through Christ.
Thank You Jesus for shining your light of grace on me, for opening my eyes to a love like I’ve never known. I pray that Your light of salvation would shine through my gracious response to everyone I meet today no matter where they are at or what they believe. You rescued me from my sin and I pray that You would use me to do the same for others who are drowning in the deception of sin.