19My dear brothers and sisters, if someone among you wanders away from the truth and is brought back, 20you can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back from wandering will save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins. James 5:19-20
You can’t bring someone back if you’re not willing to go out to where they’re at. Jesus talks about the shepherd who left the 99 sheep in the fold and went out into the wilderness to get the one! This passage is a powerful call to Christians to take a look around and then take action and take personal responsibility for the souls of those we know. As Christians, we need to stop wondering what our calling is and start reaching the wandering around us. The only way we can call people back to the right way is to go out of our way to find them.
The Church has been kicked out of the building in California due to a rise in Covid cases and I think this might be a good thing. There are too many entering a Christ-less eternity just outside the four walls of the church building. The church has to get outside of the church in order to be The Church! The Father's House had our first full services at 9 & 11 am in the parking lot this past week and despite the inconvenience, there was an excitement in the air. There was a sense that God was awakening something in The Church. As it turns out it’s a good thing when the church leaves the building. For example, a move of God has been unfolding at the very intersection of the senseless murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. The riots and chaos in the aftermath have been replaced with salvations and water baptisms in the streets. Instead of burning buildings, there are now hearts on fire for Jesus. There are reports of instant healing of a 20-year back problem, 18 months of injury instantly healed, others were going through deliverance from oppression during the revival. None of this would have happened if the church stayed inside. Every revival that’s taken place in history has always been in the worst conditions and at the point of greatest desperation. Another example is what's going in central Georgia. For several weeks now, thousands of people have been gathering in the small town of Roberta, located about a half-hour southwest of Macon, for the "Central Georgia Awakening" revival. The Church has come together in a tent and hundreds have come to know Christ! There are the beginnings of a revival in Huntington Beach too! There are no chairs, no pulpits, but many are coming to know Christ and being water baptized in the ocean. Could it be that this time of havoc will lead to harvest? At the birth of The Church in Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit was poured out on 120 men and women just like us, they didn't stay in the upper room. No, they were empowered to witness of the wonders of God to those who were walking by outside and 3,000 souls were saved. We keep trying to get back inside the building and God keeps trying to get us to think outside of the box.
Lord, You are calling us out of our comfort zones and back to the cross and the crowds outside of the building. Break our hearts for the things that break Yours. You are calling us out to the highways and byways to find those who are wandering and wondering if anyone even knows they are alive? The isolation of the Pandemic has led many to become detached from the Church. Now is the time to go out and surround them with the love that covers and heals.