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Writer's pictureJon Burgess

Take Your Kid To Work Day!


3Then the Lord said to Isaiah, “Take your son Shear-jashub means “A remnant will return.” and go out to meet King Ahaz. You will find him at the end of the aqueduct that feeds water into the upper pool, near the road leading to the field where cloth is washed. 4Tell him to stop worrying. Tell him he doesn’t need to fear the fierce anger of those two burned-out embers, King Rezin of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah. Isaiah 7:3-4


Why was the prophet Isaiah told to take his son to go meet with the King? Shear-jashub means “A remnant will return.” So, when Isaiah introduced his son it would be the walking talking embodiment of the promise God was giving the King. A remnant is a small part left over after the large piece of cloth has been cut, but it can be used later. Shear wasn’t just serving as an object lesson to a king. He was also getting a front row seat to how his Dad followed the King of Kings. God gave Isaiah specific instructions on where to find King Ahaz and you can only imagine how this built Shear’s faith when the King was exactly where God said he would be. Then, he watched the boldness of his Dad telling the King to literally “shut up, stop worrying, and start trusting.” Then, the son of Isaiah was present to hear one of the most important prophecies in scripture about the Messiah, Immanuel, meaning “God With Us”, being born of a virgin in the House of David!


They say more is caught than taught, and Shear caught a lot that day. What are our kids catching when they watch us work? This past Father’s Day my son’s wrote me letters. It’s easily my favorite thing about Father’s Day. As I read each letter their different personalities and memories brought happy tears to my eyes. My oldest son Elijah shared a memory with me that I had forgotten. He wrote, “No matter what I’m doing or where I’m doing it, you champion me towards God’s call on my life- thank you. I remember that trip to Japan when you asked me to speak. Though I hated it at the time, I’m now so grateful. In many roles, husband, brother, uncle, Dad, I have you to look up to.” I realized that despite all of my many failures as a father the one thing I did right was to do my best to do life together. Whether it was on ministry trips, or talkiing through things together on our “Dad Dates”, or just making time to celebrate the small wins in life I was just trying to do what my Pop did for me. Like, Elijah in Japan, I did not want to go pull weeds or dig irrigation trenches with my Dad on Saturdays or in the summer. Though I hated it at the time I’m so thankful he took his kid to work with him. I got to observe how a Jesus follower navigated high pressure situations, with angry customers, flaky employees, or disastrous supply issues with integrity and through prayer. Pop would stop and pray all the time about everything and I’m so thankful that he did. My whole goal in raising my boys is to show them Jesus in the real world, not just through a religious lense. I never wanted them to grow up resenting the church as Pastors Kids and thankfully, they all love Jesus and they all minister in their unique gifts. The most important thing I can pass on to my boys by taking them to work is to model what it looks like to walk with Jesus at work, home, long lines at Costco. I get it wrong a lot. They call me on it too. And you know what, I’m so glad they do! It’s just the greatest privilege in the world to get a front row seat on seeing my sons grow in to might men of God who, like Isaiahs son, are proof that there’s a remnant rising up in their generation that serves as proof that Immanuel is real, and God is with us!


Thank you Jesus for giving me a Dad that took me to work, but more importantly went to work with You. Thank you for the privilege and responsibility of raising five boys in a broken world. My Dad taught me to hear Your voice and follow You and I pray that I can continue to do the same. If they can hear Your voice then I know they will accomplish what You’ve designed them to for even when I’m not around. Then, I will have the wonderful joy of seeing them take their kids to work one day too!

"1Timothy, my dear son, be strong through the grace that God gives you in Christ Jesus. 2You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others." 2 Timothy 2:1-2

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