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Writer's pictureJon Burgess

Stop Before You Start


15 If I had spoken out like that,

I would have betrayed your children.

16 When I tried to understand all this,

it troubled me deeply

17 till I entered the sanctuary of God;

then I understood their final destiny.

Psalm 73:15-17


Envy, anger, bitterness, rage, comparison, grief, sorrow, desperation. These are just a few of the emotions the Psalmist Asaph was feeling as he looked around at the situation of the world around him. Can you relate? All of these accusations and justifications were bubbling up and just about to come out of his mouth when he stopped to spend some time in the Lord’s presence. God’s presence leads to God’s perspective which leads to a good witness from God’s people. The Psalmist realized how close he had come to betraying God and His people with an emotional reaction instead of a measured response. God’s Word changed his words. This is what the author of Hebrews was getting at when he called all believers everywhere to work at resting in God’s Word before going to work:

“11 Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience. 12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:11-12.


What’s first determines what’s next. When we put God’s Word first it changes the words that come out of our mouth because it changes our hearts towards those around us. It seems like an oxymoron, "work to rest", but I end up sounding like a moron when I skip feeding on God’s Word and start immediately on my news feed. It’s so tempting to enter the fray of social media instead of entering the sanctuary of God. When I do so, I become a passionate purveyor of my own opinions instead of a prophetic voice with God’s perspective. When I read the ridiculous decisions of some of the current leadership, the false narratives being shared as truth, the hypocrisy of deeming good evil, and evil as good my emotions start bubbling up just like the Psalmist. Everyone has a pulpit to preach from when they sit at their keyboard. The problem is that most of what’s being posted isn’t The Good News, it’s just emotional responses to the news. When I sit down with God’s Word before reading everyone else’s words He always divides soul from spirit and helps me to discern where to speak up and where to shut up. It takes work to enter His rest. I don’t read His Word as much as His Word reads me. The Holy Spirit inevitably convicts my heart towards repentance for my own sin which keeps me from becoming the judge and jury on someone else’s story. We must stop before we start or we will end up using our words as weapons and not only hurting our witness to the world but wounding our fellow brothers and sisters. My friend and fellow pastor, Keith Jenkins, pastor of East Hill Foursquare in Gresham, OR was doing a prayer walk with Pastor Brad Williams and NPD District Supervisor Gabe Barreiro. Some pictures were posted of this online and many assumed they were supporting the violent riots. Pastor Keith recently wrote the following on his Facebook page, “We walked the streets and prayed for the peace of our city. We wept. We worshipped. And when we heard a bullhorn and a gathering of people, many of whom were weeping. We stood by, leaned in to learn, we too lamented, and we quietly prayed for their safety, peace and for RECONCILIATION. We were not supporting any earthly organizations...instead we walked and prayed as men of the Kingdom of God. I’ve been called a coward and other names which I will not repeat. Not by unbelievers which I would expect. ...But by professing Christians!!” Before reacting to these accusations with justified emotions Keith entered the sanctuary of God and understood. He stopped before he started. He paused before he posted. His perspective coming out of this is exactly what we all need to hear: “ I want for everyone something better than “the American Dream”...I want my KING’s dream for every human being to come to past. For that I live and for that I would willingly die for... A word to the wise...Don’t assume you know people from a tweet, a selfie or a post. Engage relationally, in humility and in love. CHRISTIANS are called to love even their enemies and to be bridges that bring reconciliation to people at odds with one another. To be clear for you politically minded people. Neither the Right or the Left represent fully the Kingdom of God and BOTH fall miserably short. Therefore I have sworn my ultimate allegiance as a citizen of heaven to the KINGDOM of God. “


Lord, I thank you for examples like Asaph in Scripture and like Keith in my life that reveal how to navigate the unending emotions that bubble up inside of me every day. Even now, I stop before I start this day and I thank You for bringing me perspective. You know the challenges I’m facing and I’m choosing to face them with You. Put a guard over my mouth Lord. Help me remember that everything I say or post is either pointing people towards You or pushing people away from You. “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…” James 1:19

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