19So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. James 1:19-20
Ok, you know God is trying to get your attention when you read the same warning in both the Old and New Testament readings for the day. When you find yourself surrounded by your enemies, when everything in you wants to respond in a quick panic, wants to react in fear and rage, wants to put your trust in the fastest way forward- slow is the way to go. “15For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” But you would not, 16And you said, “No, for we will flee on horses”—Therefore you shall flee! And, “We will ride on swift horses”—Therefore those who pursue you shall be swift!” Judah trusted in the swift horses of Egypt instead of the slow but assured protection of God Himself. Like Israel, my refusal to wait on the timing of God is my clearest indicator I don’t actually trust Him.
If I’m quick to speak and quick to get angry it’s a sure bet it’s because I was slow to hear what God wanted to say in that moment of crisis. If I’m wondering why rage is stealing my rest and my confidence is being clouded by criticism it’s because I’m rushing when I should be waiting, I’m yelling when I should be listening, and I’m binging on the 24/7 news cycle of the wrath of man which tastes good in the moment but can never produce a righteous response. Like everyone else, my family and I stopped what we were doing and watched in stunned silence at the attempted assassination of Former President and current Republican Nominee, Donald Trump. By the grace of God he moved his head an inch at the last millisecond to refer to a screen he was reading from. Our family stopped and prayed. My shock turned to anger when I heard of the death of firefighter Corey Comperatore who was thankfully not slow in his response to shield his family from the barrage of bullets heading their way. We prayed for that family and those who were critically wounded. Then, my anger turned to rage as I heard the reports of the seeming freedom the gunman had to set up that shot. I realized that I was praying less and less as I listened more and more and the words from my mouth were less than helpful. This all happened Saturday night and I was going to be preaching and leading worship on Sunday. I needed to get off my swift high horse and slow down to hear what God was saying in this moment of crisis for our country. When the rhetoric and vitriol were speeding up I needed to turn it all off and get in to God’s Word. A divided nation needed a united church, not another angry voice from the pulpit. On my knees I found my way forward. You know why? Because you can only move forward on your knees if you are moving slow. Instead of releasing my wrath I repented for areas where my pride and my words have been hurtful instead of helpful. As a Church we followed the direction of 2 Chronicles 7:14 that directs us to humble ourselves and pray. No matter what else happens, slow is the way to go in 2024.
“And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27for anger gives a foothold to the devil.”(Eph 4:26). Lord, reveal the places where I have given the devil a foothold, where choosing the wrath of man over Your righteous response. You are tearing down the false to reveal the true. As things heat up this year heading toward the election and more wars, show me how to respond in wisdom rather than reacting in anger. Forgive me getting caught up in the collective rage of our time. Anger is just a symptom of a wound left unaddressed and unhealed. I want to be a part of the solution not the problem. I want to run after the Kingdom realties that last not the empty promises of this age. I bring You my anger at those in leadership who have broken trust. I put my full trust In You and You alone!