We proclaim to you what we ourselves have actually seen and heard so that you may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We are writing these things so that you may fully share our joy. 1 John 1:3-4
The Apostle John was an eye witness to the life of Christ, His teachings, His signs and wonders, His crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. Notice how he makes a direct connection between our fellowship with each other and our fellowship with the Lord? He uses the Greek word koinonia which, honestly, is underserved by the English word “fellowship”. It speaks of a tight knit, intimate connection through community that benefits all who are involved. Who wouldn’t want to experience that in this insulated, isolated, divided world we live in? How do we enter that community with each other and the Lord? How do we experience the fullness of joy John promises as a result of this connection? It’s actually quite simple. We share our Savior Stories.
Honestly, I used to read this passage and miss the point. John talks of sharing what he has actually seen and heard of Jesus validating his witness and his writings. I erroneously thought myself a lesser witness because I have never physically walked with Jesus. Then, it was almost like The Holy Spirit asked, “So, you’ve never actually seen and heard me do anything in your life?” Of course, I backpedalled realizing that my entire life has been filled with His words and actions from before I was even born. So, what is keeping us from sharing our Savior Stories that will connect us with the Lord and with each other and fill those who hear it with joy? Is it comparison? "My story isn’t as epic as theirs." Is it shame? "I don’t want anyone to know I went through that." Is it false humility? "I don’t want the attention on me." Is it pride? "I don’t want to stick out or look like a religious zealot to those around me." There’s any number of reasons to keep our mouths shut and keep our Savior Stories under wraps, but here’s the main reason we need to speak up- people need to know Jesus is real and you are the proof! I doubt there’s one among us who would look at the current state of world and say, “Nah, they don’t need more joy.” We are living in world drowning in misery, defeat, addiction, seduction, persecution, and corruption. They need to hear our Savior Story now! When I was fighting Double COVID Pneumonia in the hospital I had thousands of people praying for me. 5 Days later I walked out with no oxygen as a living miracle and proof that our God is alive and well. You better believe I’ve been sharing my Savior Story. It has now established a koinonia connection like never before. I have friends from all over reaching out to me to pray for their friends and family who are fighting the same thing. Just yesterday a young women approached me that goes to my boys Bible College and she thanked me. For what? For sharing my story online so she could share it with her bother who was in the hospital fighting the same thing I had. She said, “My brother told me it was your story that really got him through this. He’s now home out of the hospital and getting much better.” Praise God! I’m now connected to her and her family in a way that never would have happened had I kept my Savior Story to myself. Maybe you’re asking, “how often should I share it?” The answer, all the time, as often as you can with anyone who will listen. The word John uses for “proclaim” means to say it again and again. Until this world is filled with joy and everyone we know is connected in the community of Christ we cannot stop sharing our Savior Stories.
I give You all the glory for what I have seen and heard You do. I pray that I would not second-guess my story or keep it to myself. There’s a world out here that wants to believe You are real. I pray that You would use my life as proof that You are alive and well and moving in our midst right now! How do we make You tangible to a world that doubts You’re real? By reaching out through our Savior Stories. Let me be a conduit not a cul-de-sac of how You move.
"But how shall they ask him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?"
Romans 10:14
