8Whenever you go into a city and they welcome you, eat what is set before you; 9and heal those in it who are sick [authenticating your message], and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ 10But whatever city you enter and they do not welcome you, go out into its streets and say, 11‘Even the dust of your city which clings to our feet we wipe off in protest against you [breaking all ties]; yet understand this, that the kingdom of God has come near [and you rejected it].’ Luke 10:8-11
In the days when Jesus walked as one of us on the dusty roads of Israel there was a common practice among Jews. Before reentering Jewish territory, the dust of heathen lands was carefully removed to prevent the holy land from being defiled. Holy simply means to be set apart. Jesus was sending His disciples out as the “set apart ones” to call cities to be set apart unto the purposes of Christ through salvation in Him alone. It’s an invitation to Kingdom Life that requires a response of either acceptance or rejection. The disciples aren’t supposed to spend time debating, arguing, convincing, or bemoaning those cities who reject the invitation. They are to keep moving for the time is short and the mission is urgent (do not greet anyone along the way who would delay you vs. 4). They are supposed to break all ties, cut off all that clings from unbelief so that they can move forward into the next city with a fresh invitation. It’s not just symbolic, it’s spiritual.
I remember how dusty our shoes and clothes would get when we were in Israel a few years ago even though much more is paved now than in Jesus’ day. If we didn’t take our shoes off and shake off the dust from our clothes we would track it into our room or the vehicle we were traveling in. When I read this passage this morning it struck me that I might be tracking some dust into 2022 that has been clinging to me from the previous year or even years. What are those places where I have felt rejected by people even though my intent was to serve them? If I don’t bring that rejection to the Lord then I may very well stop serving for fear of rejection. What are those places where I have invited people over and over again only to be ignored? If I don’t bring that hurt to the Lord I may very well stop inviting people out of self-preservation or people pleasing. The only way to move into the new place is to shake the dust off from the old place. Dust I need to shake off: People’s words that were kind to my face and harsh behind my back. Those who I thought I could trust who turned on me instead. People in positions of influence and power that manipulated and controlled instead of releasing and loving.
I don’t want to track any of that into this year. I don’t want what happened to me or what I did to hurt others to cling to me any longer. Lord, I cut the ties with pride from my past accomplishments and shame from my past mistakes. Lord, I shake off the dust of rejection and hurtful words and clothe myself in Your words of healing instead. I repent for people pleasing and for allowing my love to grow calculated and careful instead of unconditional and extravagant. On this first day of our 21 Day fast I pray that you would show me any dust that has been clinging to me so that I can head into this new year with nothing holding me back. I want to walk in the joy of my salvation and be desperate to see everyone I see to come to know You. Let the invitation to Your Kingdom grow louder through my life.