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Writer's pictureJon Burgess

Ready For "Times of Refreshing"?


19Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away. 20Then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah. 21For he must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration of all things, as God promised long ago through his holy prophets. Acts 3:19-21


Repentance paves the way for refreshing and hastens the day of Christ’s Return. Jesus is so generous that He calls out to he very ones who crucified Him and offers them salvation and forgiveness through His sacrifice and refreshing through the Holy Spirit. Not just when He returns, but right now! Refreshing and renewing is promised right here in the midst of turmoil, pain, stress, and struggle. The Greek wording here is “recovery of breath”, a reviving, a cooling off. Couldn’t we us that right now? How do we move from regretting to refreshing? It starts with repenting. Not just feeling sorry but truly turning over and turning away from our sin. The Greek wording for sins being “wiped away” has the idea of wiping ink off of a document. Ink in that day had no acid content and didn’t sink permanently into the paper. It could almost always be wiped off with a cloth. Could there be anything more refreshing than starting off the day with a clean slate and a pure heart?


According to a recent study 40% of workers are contemplating quitting their jobs. “After a year of reevaluating and readjusting, we’re collectively entering what psychologists say is the 6th stage of grief: a pursuit of meaning and purpose. And this pursuit of meaning and purpose is causing many people to reconsider why they do what they do. Economists are calling it “The Great Resignation.” We need a time of refreshing that no new job will be able to bring. A Barna poll from late 2020 revealed that 29% of pastors were seriously thinking of quitting ministry. I know a few personally that already have or are about to quit. 2020 and into 2021 became a crucible for pastors bringing a whole lot to the surface that we needed to repent of. Those that were already tired going into the Pandemic had “nothing left in the tank” by the time 2021 rolled around. Pastors and leaders need a time of refreshing. Another article writes, “Since the pandemic began, California organizations that serve domestic violence survivors report getting more requests for help than ever before (increasing anywhere between 50-200% over previous years) and hearing more stories of extreme abuse. In many cases, the abuse began before the pandemic but spiraled as people found themselves confined at home, and families faced increased stress due to economic instability, illness and overall uncertainty.” Our marriages and families need refreshing and healing and a safe place to escape. One counselor put it this way, “Tired is a state, but exhaustion is a trait. Together they create this endless loop of fatigue.” We all feel worn out right down to our bones. Mental health professionals “are seeing an increase in Major Depressive Disorder, which is more than just a depressed mood. It’s a two week period where you have multiple symptoms, including often suicidal thoughts. We are seeing more anxiety disorders: panic, more PTSD in frontline workers, and increased substance use disorders.” If there ever wa a time for “times of refreshing” it’s right now!


Repentance precedes refreshing and refreshing ensures resiliency in the face of all that’s coming at me. I need You Lord! I thank You for wiping away my sins. Today is a fresh start. I can’t change the world until I invite You to change my world. I enter this time of refreshing, of finding my breath with You. I can’t earn it. I don’t deserve it. I do receive it, because I believe You are in this with me. I pray for a fresh move of Your Spirit at our “Catching the Fire” worship and prayer night. I pray that You, Jesus, would be honored at our 17 year anniversary and stir in the hearts of Your people. Where we are weary I pray the joy of the Lord would be our strength.

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