We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair… 2 Corinthians 4:8
Observation & Application
My Observation and Application flowed tougher this morning. I have read this passage many times and have always felt a bit distant from Paul’s ministry description. Of course, I’ve been stressed, but not pressed the way he describes here. It’s the word picture of grapes being pressed hard upon so the juices are released. Compressed, distressed… you know, pressed. And not just on a few sides, but on EVERY side. In times past I’ve felt pressed in finances, or relationships, or by the demands of my schedule, but never all at once. Yet, isn’t this exactly where we find ourselves during this Pandemic? There’s not a single area in our lives that isn’t being pressed on as we are pressed together for an indeterminate amount of time in our homes. After Paul describes his current context, what most would consider a horrific scenario, he then boldly declares, “I’m not crushed.” The wording is saying, “I’m not in a narrow place as you might suppose. No, God is leveraging these limitations to straighten me out and get the Good News out.” Instead of focusing on his limitations, Paul saw limitless opportunities. He’s not living in denial. He’s living in the reality of a Resurrected Lord that can take a Cross of Death and turn it into a symbol of life “so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.” (vs. 15). Wow! The resurrection perspective releases praise in the pressing. Paul doesn’t stop there. He then uses the word “perplexed” to describe his current ministry context. When I read the Greek definition of this word I felt like Paul was writing this about me: “to be without resources, to be in straits, to be left wanting, to be embarrassed, to be in doubt, not to know which way to turn.” It’s the idea of being in the middle of a maze, completely disoriented, and at a standstill, because every direction you’ve tried has been a dead end. The self-doubt turns into God-doubt really quickly in times like these unless we catch Paul’s way through- “don’t despair.” Are these confusing times? Of course! What has worked before doesn’t work anymore. The methods we used to get us TO this won’t get us THROUGH this. There are no experts. We have all become amateurs. None of us has lived through a Worldwide Pandemic before. Yet, in that place of admitting I don’t know what to do next, I discover what to do next… And that’s to praise the God who stands above this labyrinth of problems and yet also walks me through it. I have my family and my church looking to me for direction and I’m seeing dead ends. So, I praise my way out. I do what Paul does here, instead of despairing I start delighting in my eternal God. The word despair means “to be utterly at loss, be utterly destitute of measures or resources, to renounce all hope.” We come to a place of despair when it feels like our current situation is going to “last forever”. Then Paul reminds us the only thing that lasts forever is God and His Word! “16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” The resurrection perspective releases praise in the perplexity.
So thankful for this reminder this morning. I’ve been looking around too much and You have reminded me to look up. The truest praise comes when I am pressed and perplexed and yet choose to put my trust in You! It’s not about having the answers but knowing the One who does. It’s in this place that You are refining and redefining my identity in You. The President is saying this may be the most painful week of this Pandemic. I choose to stand in Your Resurrection reality. I seek You and You will see us through! You are my endless resource. You are my unstoppable supply!