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Writer's pictureJon Burgess

Once In A Blue Moon


4Then I began to weep bitterly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll and read it. 5But one of the twenty-four elders said to me, “Stop weeping! Look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the heir to David’s throne, has won the victory. He is worthy to open the scroll and its seven seals.” Revelation 5:4-5


John was weeping bitterly is it seemed as if no one would be able to bring the history of the world to its proper end or reveal the will of God. How often have we looked around at our leaders, even the strong and capable ones and seen the same thing? There is no one worthy to reveal the will of God in this broken world. Not even “the strong angel” could do it. When it seems there will be no resolve then we lose our resolve. When it seems that all of heaven stands inept and unable we need to do the same thing John did…look at the Lamb. “Then I saw a Lamb that looked as if it had been slaughtered, but it was now standing between the throne and the four living beings and among the twenty-four elders. He had seven horns and seven eyes, which represent the sevenfold of God that is sent out into every part of the earth.” (Rev. 5:6). Wow, no wonder John missed it. If the strongest angel in Heaven couldn’t open the scroll how in the world could this slaughtered lamb. Scholars reveal that the wording here is of a little and delicate lamb who has been freshly sacrificed. It’s as if His sacrifice on The Cross has freshly taken place, the power of what Jesus did through His love is present tense in Heaven! Wow! John was missing Jesus in Heaven for the same reason everyone missed Jesus when He walked the earth. He didn’t come the way we expected nor did He look the way we expected nor did He do what we expected Him to do! Jesus, meek and mild, was the only one strong enough in all of Heaven and Earth to reveal the will of God for the hostly of the world. We’ve all just been looking the wrong direction.


Last night Cyndi and I walked up the top of Double Peak in San Marcos to see the Blue Moon. Apparently, everyone else had the same idea as the place was packed with people trying to get a peak at this celestial event that won’t take place again until 2037. I’ll be honest. I was a little disappointed. Not only was it not blue, which is false advertising if you ask me, but it was also covered by clouds and not easy to see. This Blue Moon was special because it’s the nearest supermoon of 2023. This means that this year’s Blue Moon is also the closest and brightest Moon of the year and as cool as that sounds I just couldn’t take my eyes off of the sunset. Everyone was looking one way at the moon and I just kept being drawn back to the continuing colors of the sunset. This seems to be how it works with us. We keep looking in the wrong direction and are missing what the Lamb of God is doing as He reveals His will to those willing to seek Him for who He is. The media and news were hyping this “once in a blue moon” occurrence and the real beauty was happening behind everyones back. The world is always looking for the next big thing and yet our Big God moves through the humble and gentle ways and we miss it! It’s easy to get discouraged when the latest candidate falls flat, the latest promise is broken, the latest economic uptick turns into a downturn and the latest spiritual leader is found in moral failure. It’s easy to feel despondent as John was in his vision. Yet, I feel the Holy Spirit calling me to look up and looking for the Lamb of God and what He’s up to. His sacrifice ever present before The Father means I have access to His presence, His forgiveness and His perspective if I’m willing to look in the opposite direction of the world around me.


As the sun sets on this day all I can do is join with angels and elders in declaring “worthy is the Lamb that was slain”. Forgive me for places where I’m missing what You’re doing right in front of me because my Big God moves in small and humble ways. I’m so easily taken in by the hype and the noise and always disappointed. However, when I fix my eyes on You I’m reminded You have won the victory so I need to look no further. You alone are worthy so no one else should have my attention. All of Heaven is focused on You Jesus as the only One worthy and able to open the scroll and I should be too! All of Heaven is filled with worship to You so let my life be filled with worship too!

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