Whoever offers praise glorifies Me; And to him who orders his conduct aright I will show the salvation of God. Psalm 50:23
The Westminster Shorter Chatechism states that the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. I want to make this my primary focus as I enter the second half of life. I don't know how much time I have, but I want to spend it on the praise pathway described here in Psalm 50. One of my favorite traditions Pop raised me with was that on every Birthday I would sit down with Jesus and read through the Psalm for that year and claim its promises. So, this is what I felt Jesus was revealing for my fifty years old pathway forward...
Upward- The Hebrew word for "praise" here means both speaking outwardly (loud) and inwardly (quiet). When my life is upwardly focused on who God is He simultaneously brings peace inwardly to my soul. Gratitude changes my attitude. When I am a person who lives on the Praise Pathway I become a non-anxious presence to those around me. I want to spend less time talking and more time listening through solitude, silence, and stillness in His presence.
Outward- God likes me, but He isn't like me. Verse 21 states, "These things you have done, and I kept silent; You thought that I was altogether like you; But I will rebuke you, And set them in order before your eyes." When I try to make God in my image instead of reflecting His image my outward conduct looks like the world around me instead of the God who lives in me! When I walk the Praise Pathway Jesus orders my conduct, because it's about people seeing Him instead of me. Humility is the only way to stay true to this pathway. In a culture that praises the platfrom, the performance, and the personality, I want to be known as a person who abides in the presence of Jesus and points only to Him!
Inward- When I walk the Praise Pathway I will never take His salvation for granted again, as if it's something I could ever earn or deserve. As my eyes turn upward and outward God does a work inwardly that changes me forever. I move from a transactional faith to a transformational one. I move from outward performance to inward repentance. This praise isn't mindlessly singing along to lyrics I don't mean, but rather I will "sing praises with understanding." (Ps. 47:7). As Holy Spirit opens the eyes of my understanding about all He has done it helps others to understand this inside-out walk of God is not about a relgious set of do's and dont's, but a vibrant intimate relationship with The God of The Universe!
Lord, as I enter the second half I keep thinking about Pastor Kent and Elisabeth Kitagawa, who, 43 years married, signed up to attend our Marriage and Family conference. I told them they should be up there teaching us and they said they always have more to learn and praised You for all You'd taken them through. They were black belts in The Kingdom because they kept their white belt mentality. Every day I wake up is another gift from You, another opportunity to learn from others, and another chance to show You how much I love You by loving those around me! Let a new song rise from my heart as I continue down this Praise Pathway with You!