10Then Simon Peter drew a sword and slashed off the right ear of Malchus, the high priest’s slave. 11But Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword back into its sheath. Shall I not drink from the cup of suffering the Father has given me?” John 18:10-11
I just learned recently that the name Simon in Hebrew is Shema which means to hear or listen. It’s closely tied to obedience. In Hebrew it’s the same word- to listen and obey is to Shimah. Simon was hearing but he wasn’t listening to the heart of Jesus and his actions here and later on this chapter show that he wasn’t obeying either. Sadly, this describes a lot of Simon’s story prior to the crucifixion, resurrection and his own restoration with Jesus. Simon was always missing the point. Kind of like he missed his mark in the garden. There’s no way he was going for the servants ear. In fact, he may not have been going for the servant at all, but rather Malchus the high priest. But, Simon wasn’t a soldier, he was a fisherman by trade. Who knows how often he had even held a sword, let alone fought with one. Jesus didn’t call Simon to fight for him but to follow Him. But, Simon missed the point just like he missed his mark because he may have been hearing Jesus, but he wasn’t listening. Jesus tells Simon Peter to put his sword away because there was no short cut through the suffering ahead. Jesus had just wrestled this out with The Father and died to himself before ever dying on that Cross. Suffering and sacrifice on behalf of all sinners was the point and Simon never saw it.
Where have we been hearing, but not listening and obeying? Where have we been making like the defender of the Christian faith while actually just making our faith look more foolish? Where have we been slicing ears instead of using our ears? Where have we been using words like swords out of defensiveness rather than using our words to heal? Have we been missing the point and fighting the wrong battles? Was Peter in the right? Technically, yes. Jesus was innocent and being accused and arrested under false accusation. Why would you not stand against that tyranny? Maybe Peter was the only truly courageous one. True courage, it turns out, is about listening and obeying Jesus even when it doesn’t seem right, even when it means laying down our rights. In fact, until we value the kingdom values of self-sacrifice, suffering, and servanthood we will continue to miss the point. When Orville and Wilbur Wright finally succeeded in flying the first airplane for fifty-nine seconds on December 17, 1903, they rushed a telegram to their sister in Dayton, Ohio, telling of their amazing accomplishment. The telegram read, "First sustained flight today fifty-nine seconds. Hope to be home by Christmas." Their sister was so excited she rushed to the newspaper office and communicated the telegram to the editor. The next morning the newspaper headline carried a small article headlined, "POPULAR LOCAL BICYCLE MERCHANTS TO BE HOME FOR HOLIDAYS." The scoop of the century was missed because someone wasn’t clear. The editor missed the point.
Forgive me for missing the point and therefore, missing my assignment. Suffering, self-sacrifice and servanthood aren’t to avoided, but rather expected. I just read how the Taliban have taken over Afghanistan and have sent out letters to churches saying, “We know who you are and we’re coming for you!” Many Christians in the house church movement there expect to meet You face to face soon. This is true Christian courage. Meanwhile, I see a lot of Christians over here in the U.S. swinging our swords at every argument and accusation that feels like a threat to our comfort. Lord, forgive us for we have missed the point. We have traded the Cross for a cause. I have been hearing you, but not listening and obeying. I don’t want to spend my time slicing ears. Heal my ears so I can hear You and obey You when it comes to confrontations with those around me. I pray for miracles, safety and healing for Your people in Afghanistan. That their faith would light a fire of revival in the rest of us.