5During another battle with the Philistines, Elhanan son of Jair killed Lahmi, the brother of Goliath of Gath. The handle of Lahmi’s spear was as thick as a weaver’s beam! 6In another battle with the Philistines at Gath, they encountered a huge man with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in all, who was also a descendant of the giants. 7But when he defied and taunted Israel, he was killed by Jonathan, the son of David’s brother Shimea. 8These Philistines were descendants of the giants of Gath, but David and his warriors killed them. 1 Chronicles 20:5-8
Many years after David faced down the giant Goliath with a sling, a stone, and an unstoppable faith we find his men picking up where he left off. This quickly read passage containing some quirky descriptions of some killer giants has a lot to teach us about how to conquer our own giants.
Every Giant Is The Same: They all come from the same family of sin to crush us and our family. They all taunt us, our God, our faith. They all make us feel small. They all walk on to the field of our lives promising sure defeat under their feet. They derive their strength from fear that saps our strength! I’m facing giants just like you are.
Every Giant Is Different: This may seem like a contradiction to the first point, but it’s a both/and scenario that’s important to discuss. Yes, every giant is the same because of sin, but every person struggles with different sins. Notice, one giant is very strong and could wield a spear that a normal man couldn’t get off the ground. Another giant has an impossible amount of fingers and toes allowing its grip and its stance to seem impossible to break. All these giants were Philistines, but each of them presented a unique challenge to David’s warriors. One man may be in the grip of the giant of pornography due to early exposure to illicit materials while another man struggles with rage, but remains strong against sexual addiction. Both are the same in that they are born of sin, but both are different in how they must be conquered. Thus, we cannot stand back and judge another’s giants we must stand with each other to see them defeated. Just because I’ve never faced the giant of depression or suicidal thoughts doesn’t mean I should judge someone for their lack of faith. That may not be the giant I’m fighting, but it doesn’t mean we aren’t serving the same Giant Killing Savior who conquered every giant on The Cross! I’m going to need your help and you’re going to need mine and we are all going to need Jesus to kill these giants stomping around our lives.
Every Victory is Shared: Notice vs. 8 says “David and his warriors killed them.” Now, David killed Goliath as a young man many years before and his warriors killed Goliath’s family all these years later, but, despite the time difference, it was seen as a shared victory. Your win is my win. My win is your win. Every win is because of Jesus. What caused David’s warriors to march out with such confidence in the face of such odds? If God did it then, He would do it again. It’s why we read Scripture. We are reminded that their victory is our victory and that we serve a giant-killing God. Winning today’s battles comes from remembering yesterday’s victories in Christ!
Moses was a murderer and conquered his giant of rage.
Jacob a schemer and conquered his giant of lying.
David was an adulterer and conquered his giant of lust.
Peter was arrogant and conquered his giant of pride.
Paul was prejudiced and conquered his giant of hatred.
Ruth was an idol worshiper and conquered her giant of paganism.
These amazing examples of giant-killers in Scripture would be completely unknown if they hadn’t been shared. We need to share our stories. There’s a giant someone is facing down that we have already seen fall. Romans 15 reminds us that don’t fight alone: “2We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord. 3For even Christ didn’t live to please himself. As the Scriptures say, “The insults of those who insult you, O God, have fallen on me.” 4Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.” I need your story of victory to help me in my field of struggle. I need to know how you killed your giant through Christ!
Lord, You know this morning the giant of fear was right up in my face when I woke up. “What if you can’t find a place to rent in San Diego?”, he taunted. “What if this virus shut down lasts until the Fall and your new church can’t meet?”, he teased. “What if you don’t have what it takes to lead your family and church through these times?”, he whispered. “What kind of person makes a move like this during times like this?”, he mocked. Then, You brought me to Your Word and reminded me of what You do. You are a giant killer and I’m putting my trust in You! This giant of fear wants to remind me of how big my problems are. I’m reminding this giant how big my God is! This battle is the Lord’s and You will receive the glory for this as it unfolds on the field of faith. You did it then and You will do it again!
45 David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” 1 Samuel 17:45-47