His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him - though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ And since this is true, we shouldn’t think of God as an idol designed by craftsmen from gold or silver or stone. Acts 17:27-29
What a contrast between religion and relationship. These highly educated men knew of gods, Paul knew his God personally. These men worshipped gods made in their image Paul worshipped God in whose image all men were made. Men prefer a god they can hold while Paul reminds them of The God who holds all things. The men of Athens had to go to a temple to see their gods of stone while Paul walked with His God who rolled away the stone securing eternal life for all who would repent and enter into relationship through Jesus! Paul quoted from their own poets to show them that God was never an impersonal force that fate, luck, “the universe”, etc. Every living thing was created by a living God and this is best seen when we are living every day with Him. Though many walked away that day with no interest a few walked away with a new relationship and knowing Jesus every day.
There’s no segmentation of real life and faith life its living all of life with Jesus. In Him I live. The very breath in my lungs is a gift from Him. In Him I move. Every where I go today He goes with me. When I live in this awareness I join in an adventure of showing Jesus in big and small ways to the world around me. In Him I exist. The very fact that I am here to write this journal entry is because He chose me, He made me, He breathed life in me, He knit me in my mothers womb, He brought me here for a purpose. What is that purpose? To know God and make Him known. Jesus isn’t just one place, He’s every place. There’s one question that I must ask. It’s the question Paul asked as he looked out at all those standing around arguing and waxing eloquent on Mars Hill. What Is Jesus Doing? I have to slow down long enough to notice what Jesus is doing and do it with him. Jesus gave Paul the idea of using the “unknown god” statue to introduce who the One True God was. Jesus gave Paul the idea to quote from one of their poets to really grab their attention. Jesus wants to reach everyone everywhere and He’s just waiting for someone to join in with Him.
I don’t want to miss a single thing You are doing today. You are a multitasking God. You are moving in a million ways around me right now and I’m aware of about three of them. I repent for often being so caught up in my plan for the day that I’m not seeing what You’re doing in the people around me. How are you moving today? I want to move with You. I’m praying for a fresh move of God and that starts with choosing to move with You right where I am. Thank You for inviting me in on this grand adventure of faith!