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Writer's pictureJon Burgess

"I Never Knew You"


21 “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. 22On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ 23But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’ Matthew 7:21-23


These are the most chilling words in all of Scripture. These four words should cause every single person to stop and take an account of their life. Jesus is making it clear that it’s not about what we are doing FOR Him, but what we are doing WITH Him. Romans 11:29 teaches that “God's gifts and His call are irrevocable.” In other words, He never takes back His gifts once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those He gives them to. Jesus isn’t saying that these religious people were faking their spiritual acts. The key to understanding this passage are the passages just before where Jesus tells us to “judge a tree by its fruit.” These Christians are walking around proclaiming they are rooted and grounded in Christ, but their actions reveal their heart has no true relationship with Jesus. It’s like a billionaire father who gives gifts to their children, but only one takes the time to actually have relationship with him. Spurgeon said it this way, “If preaching could save a man, Judas would not have been damned. If prophesying could save a man, Balaam would not have been a castaway.” Trapp said it this way, “There are those that speak like angels, live like devils; that have Jacob’s smooth tongue, but Esau’s rough hands.”


I really, really wanted to journal on something else this morning. I tried to start on the passage about building our house on the rock and not on the sand, but even that brought me back to this. Religion is a trap, and, it is sinking sand. Its heart breaking to see so many examples in the news of gifted ministers who have worldwide ministries and yet are discovered to be leading double lives behind the scenes. Whether it’s Carl Lentz of Hillsong New York or all of the priests in the most recent Catholic Church scandal of molesting children, these trees were shown by their fruit and my heart is enraged at the perversion and hypocrisy on display. How many trusted them and followed them and have now left the church because of them? Yet, I can’t sit here pointing my finger at gifted leaders who fall without examining my own heart and asking the question, do I really know the Lord? Do I sit down to journal and study His word only for the next sermon or to truly know Jesus personally? Do I want to hear His words for my heart not just for others. I want to relationship with Jesus for intimacy with Him not just utility for the ministry. The true fruit isn’t the numbers or crowds or success in ministry, but my daily intimacy with Jesus. Even the best most gifted fakers will eventually be found out. I want Jesus more than anything else in this life and you can’t fake that.


Jesus, I love You. Forgive me for pursuing anything other than You! Forgive me for substituting using Your gifts over giving You my heart. I repent for any Judas or Balaam moments that have used Your blessing of my ministry as proof of our intimacy. I just want You. Nothing else will do.

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