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Writer's pictureJon Burgess

How To Use The "F" Word Well


27“But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. 28Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you. Luke 6:27-28


We have a lot of Christians right now in our current political culture who could use a refresher on the Beatitudes. I know I need to. Jesus upends our right to be right and calls us to do the opposite of what we feel we deserve. These are the ways of the Upside Down Kingdom in the days of the kingdom of self. These are the values of Heaven, these are the extension of God’s heart. If we find that our hearts do not align with what Jesus says it’s only because we’ve begun to build our own kingdoms rather than His. For instance, the teaching that I am to bless those who curse me feels like it goes against everything I’ve come to know as my rights as an American. Curse those who curse me feels more in line with what seems natural. But, then again, these are the values of a supernatural kingdom and it takes a supernatural perspective to look at those who are cursing me and want to bless them.


These Kingdom Values were tested recently as I drove up to The Father’s House on December 20th, the Sunday morning of our big Christmas celebration outreach. I saw a massive motor home broken down in the church parking lot and immediately groaned as this was not the first impression I wanted as people rolled up. I came to find out that it belonged to “Mike” and it was his home. We invited him in, fed him, prayed with him, jump started his motorhome, filled his tank with gas. As I drove home that day I thanked God for bringing Mike and felt that might have been the most important thing I did that day. Well, Mike showed up the following Sunday as well. It was our final services of 2020 and I could tell God was working on Mikes heart as we talked about what it looked like to surrender our lives and plans to The Savior. I shared my breakfast with him, our worship leader let him play on our keyboard in between services, and then something switched. He felt that now that he had played the keyboard he should be able to play it anytime… even in the middle of service. As escorted him away from the instruments during the announcements explaining he couldn’t play at this time he looked at me and his eyes were now dark and cold and filled with rage. For the rest of the day he hurled “F” bombs at me and a few of our guys that were helping me. We were very kind and patient but eventually had to ask him to leave as he was determined to play the keyboard again. I can’t remember the last time I’ve heard that many “F” bombs let alone directed at me. It caught him off guard when I asked him to forgive me for miscommunication and not explaining the ways of community. I told him I wanted him to be a part of this faith community and that there were basic rules we all had to follow to make it work. More “F” bombs toward me, toward God, toward the guys with me, toward the police. It made sense that this was how the final services of 2020 would end because it kind of summed up the whole year. Trying to do good and getting it thrown back in my face. Just as my anger was rising and my patience wore thin God’s words kicked in. It was clear that he would hear nothing else, but in that moment, I felt God’s heart for him. He wasn’t just raging at me, but at life itself and the hand that had been dealt to him. This was a “rubber meets the road” moment in my faith as the Kingdom Values of the Beatitudes came rushing in. “32“If you love only those who love you, why should you get credit for that? Even sinners love those who love them!” As I drove away I thanked God for bringing Mike because he taught me how to use the “F” word well. “37“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.”


Lord I forgive Mike and pray for him today. I pray that you would heal his mental illness and that He would be set free and know that he is forgiven and loved by You. I pray that You would forgive me for having a very safe love, a love that loves those who will love me back. A love that is only kind to those who agree with me is not Kingdom love. That’s not what You’ve called me to. And, on this day especially, when the country is being ripped apart politically I choose the “F” word. Forgiveness is a super power. It starts with me and then goes out from there. Forgiveness is not a feeling, it’s a faith stance that I take. There’s a lot of stone throwing going on but I pray I would never forget what I’ve been forgiven of. I choose to live in the house forgiveness built and to invite everyone in!

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