22But take courage! None of you will lose your lives, even though the ship will go down. 23For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me, 24and he said, ‘Don’t be afraid, Paul, for you will surely stand trial before Caesar! What’s more, God in his goodness has granted safety to everyone sailing with you.’ 25So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said. 26But we will be shipwrecked on an island.” Acts 27:22-25
Paul is a prisoner on a sinking ship in the middle of a storm sure to destroy them. The ship and its crew were in this situation because of their hubris. Paul was in this situation because God wanted to reveal Himself to this crew through him. The prisoner once ignored quickly became the trusted voice that brought them safely to shore. With an amazing mix of prophetic (pray) and practical (eat and stay on board to work together) leadership from Paul, they all arrived safely on the island of Crete and everyone knew it was the Lord.
Paul’s actions aboard the sinking ship give us as Christians a way to lead during these times of crisis.
Security- Remember Who’s You Are. “The God to whom I belong”- what a powerful statement. Paul didn’t belong to his jailer, to the storm, to the snake that would bite him upon the shore. Paul belonged to God. Only God could determine the number of his days and he knew his assignment wasn’t done. Paul was untouchable because the One in who’s hands he was held. The Church must remember who’s we are. God has put us on a sinking ship in the middle of a storm and wants to speak clearly to all the temporary places we have been finding our security. The economy, the popularity, the traditions are all eventually going under, but the Lord who holds us lasts forever. This gives us a sense of permanency in the liquidity. A perspective of eternity in the storms of uncertainty. A stance of confidence during the viral, political, moral storm we find ourselves in.
Identity- Remember Who You Are. “Don’t be afraid, Paul, for you will surely stand trial before Caesar!” God calls him by name. Paul. No longer Saul. Paul was reminded of the spiritual shipwreck he had once been in and the God who saved him from sin clothed in religious zeal. He had his blind eyes opened then and now God was doing it again. If there’s still breath in our lungs it’s because God’s not done! If we are struggling with fear it’s only because we’ve forgotten who we are in Christ! There is so much fear seeking to drown out our faith. The last thing the world needs is a Church stuck in an identity crisis. It’s not in our services. It’s not in our traditions. It’s in Christ alone that we find our sea legs to lead in this storm.
Consistency- Remember Who God Is. “What’s more, God in his goodness has granted safety to everyone sailing with you.’” God is good. All the time. When times are bad God is still good. When everything we once put our trust in lets us down our God holds us up. It’s God’s consistency of character, His unchanging quality, His unconditional love that gives us the courage to lead when other leaders are falling. We must remember how big our God is. He never fit inside our religious boxes in the first place and 2020 has revealed how small our thinking has been. God’s heart wasn’t in the storm but His hand was using it to call people to Him. God’s heart isn’t in this pandemic but His hand is using it to remind us there’s only one thing unshakable. He is the rock upon which we must build moving forward. God’s heart is so good He wants to save everyone! He always has and always will. He came for everyone on the ship He has put me on. He has put me right here to show His consistent love no matter how inconsistent their faith is. Paul didn’t get impatient with those on the ship and stayed consistent with his care for them. I need to do the same because God has been so patient with me!
Tomorrow I turn 46 and I know this word is timely. I sense You preparing me for another valley ahead, a time of conflict and storm. You are bringing me back to the basics and I’m finding my courage for what is ahead. You are a big God and I put my trust in You! I will continue to live in Your adventure! When I walk in Your security, identity, and consistency I will be walking in Your authority come what may!