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Writer's pictureJon Burgess

Hold The Line


2that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. 4Now this I say lest anyone should deceive you with persuasive words. 5For though I am absent in the flesh, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ. Colossians 2:2-5


The Apostle Paul writes to the Church in Colossae and other churches in the region. His heart is torn for them as he hears from Epaphras how their faith and their church is being torn in different directions. These Gentile Christians are being pulled to their past by the syncretism of their past worship of a pantheon of Greek and Roman false gods. These Gentile Christians are being pulled towards Judaism and Gnosticism which promise a “true knowledge” and dependence upon religious forms, rituals, and “special revelations”. Paul uses the phrase “knit together in love” to call the church to a place of unity in Christ. The language of love must supersede the persuasive words and convincing arguments being presented to them on different sides. Paul commends them for not panicking or running in fear. He uses the military metaphor of “holding the line.” What is this line? It’s the line of love. This is where we stand. Some new believers were abandoning this line and choosing sides as they were led astray by arguments that seemed plausible and sounded spiritual but were based on false reasoning. What was their way through? Faith in Christ and steadfast in love for each other was how they would stand. As far as the false dichotomy set up for them, the false choice that was given to them Paul addresses that head-on: “6And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. 7Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. 8 Don't let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. 9For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. 10So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority. (Col. 2:6-9)


June 6th was the 76th Anniversary of the D-Day landing at Normandy. One of the stories I came across from these heroic soldiers serves to illustrate the importance of holding the line of love during this time of division and derision in our country. “In 1944 In the face of the deteriorating military situation, Hitler decided on a desperate gamble: a massive counterattack that would send 25 divisions against the western allies in the Ardennes region of Belgium and Luxembourg. He designated the scheme WACHT AM RHEIN or "watch on the Rhine" to give the impression that it was to defend the Rhine River. The plan's real purpose was to surround and destroy the British and American forces north of the Bastogne- Brussels-Antwerp line.” Hitler’s strategy then is Satan’s strategy today. To divide our line of love and faith along false fronts so we can’t see where the real attack is coming. The sincere Christians are doing their best to traverse the choices around them without choosing sides. God has called us to love everyone we see for we’ve all been made in the image of God. The mask wearer and the non-mask wearer, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the Police Department are just two poignant examples. If we choose to hold the line of love even while so many lines are being drawn then we can defeat the enemy at his own game of trying to get us distracted and attacking each other. Hitler’s plan worked initially as it tore through the line of inexperienced and unprepared soldiers decimating the 106th Infantry Division. “The 51st was not supposed to be on the front line. For two months before the surprise counterattack, the battalion had been operating 30 sawmills throughout the Ardennes area, producing lumber to construct winter quarters for First united States Army troops. When the Germans poured into the forest, the 51st became engulfed in the battle that swirled all around it. Quickly, the unit's mission changed, and it hurriedly established roadblocks, mined and destroyed bridges, and did whatever else it could along a 25-mile front to stall the German armor and infantry thrusts until superior forces relieved it.” They were not prepared for this attack. They had no armory or experience to stand against the tanks and forces of the advancing enemy. “Somebody asked Colonel Harry Anderson, CO of the group (and former battalion commander of the 51st), whether he intended to withdraw. His reply was characteristic, "We have come several thousand miles to fight these Nazis-not to withdraw from them." They had to pivot and hold the line and their courage, unity, and focus made all the difference in defeating the enemy. None of us saw the onslaught of 2020 coming. All of us, like the 51st, were doing our assignments, living our lives, working our jobs, and then were broadsided by a worldwide pandemic and it’s ensuing shut down. On its heels, the world saw with open eyes the cruelty of racism in horrific color on our screens. Like the 51st, we have come too far to turn away from the challenges before us. We must hold the line. As Christians, our way through the labyrinth of opposing sides, multiple arguments, political machinations, sincere and needful reform, is what the Apostle Paul was calling the Church to: “knit together in love”. That’s our line. That’s how we make sure the enemy of our souls is defeated. If we love the person in front of us regardless of their specific stance we can stand in unity. Unity is not uniformity. Unity is conformity to the Headship of Christ rather than to the pressures of man. Christ has called us to love. Our alignment with Christ is not contingent upon our agreement with each other. We are going to disagree on my many things, but we must align in following Christ. Our line is love. If we hold to this line and we choose to love each other no matter what than the Devil, like Nazi Germany, will be defeated.


If I don’t learn from history I am doomed to repeat it. Thank You, Lord, for these lessons from history. The history of the Church in Colossae and the troops in Normandy has given me the courage to stand in love. You have loved me have called me to love others. This is where I take my stand. Not a stand to “be right” but to “do right” by following Your righteous examples. You built Your World-changing team with disciples who were diametrically opposed to each other. Matthew who worked for the Roman government as a tax collector and Simon the Zealot who wanted to burn down the Roman government were both called to hold the line of love: 34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35) I pray that we will do the same in these crucial days ahead.

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