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Writer's pictureJon Burgess

Getting The Most Out Of Holy Week?


26For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are announcing the Lord’s death until he comes again. 27So anyone who eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord unworthily is guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28That is why you should examine yourself before eating the bread and drinking the cup. 1 Corinthians 11:26-28


The original meaning for “announcing” here is that we are actually preaching the message of Jesus whenever we gather for communion. We are both looking back at what Jesus has done for us and looking forward to the Day He comes for us. Communion encompasses the Holy Week message:

Maundy Thursday- Celebrating the Last Supper and call to serve through Foot Washing

Good Friday- The Crucifixion of Jesus

Easter Sunday- The Resurrection of Jesus

No wonder Paul brings such a harsh correction to the church in Corinth. They weren’t taking seriously their communion gatherings and instead were using it as a time to stuff their stomachs instead of emptying their hearts before the Lord. They were rushing through the meal and competing with their fellow members instead of humbling and examining themselves. One commentator wrote, “As you break bread and bow your heart before Him, what sort of sermon are you preaching? Often we have broken bread together around the Lord’s table, and then we have gone out to do just what those disciples did—we have denied Him.” (Redpath).


In a very really sense the most important message to be preached this Holy Week won’t be from a stage in a church but from our hearts to the Lord and those around us. How can we get the most out of Holy Week?  Paul makes it clear we must examine ourselves before taking the bread and the cup. We must interrogate reality and ask questions that bring correction to the arrogance and distraction of our hearts. One very helpful tool are the examen questions that Ignatius of Loyola developed for the  Jesuit Priests. “Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) was on his way to military fame when his leg was shattered by a cannonball. While he recovered, he read about Jesus and the saints of the Church. What he read changed him, and he dedicated his life to religious service. He spent a great amount of time in study and trying Christian mystical practices. He founded the Jesuit order of monks and compiled many of his spiritual practices into The Spiritual Exercises.” (Rethink Church) There are so many who still aren’t aware that Easter is even happening this weekend. Rarely is Easter this early in the year and many that I’ve talked to have “other plans” for this week.  Let’s preach a better message with our lives this week. Let’s not let the most important week of our faith simply pass us by. To get the most out of Holy Week let’s ask these questions in a time of reflection before the Lord at the end of each day.

  1. Are you aware of God in this moment?

  2. What are you grateful for right now?

  3. When did you experience love today?

  4. Was there an opportunity in which you missed sharing love with others?

  5. What might you learn from that? (Tell God about it.)


Jesus, this is all about you. There are so many other things going on this week, but Holy Week, is a call to be set apart unto you. You know that I’m prayerfully preparing messages for God Friday and Easter Sunday.  Thank You for the reminder that most important message I’ll be preaching is with my life.  Forgive me for the distractions. Let me be present in every moment this week and follow the lead of my Risen Lord!

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