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Writer's pictureJon Burgess

By Many Or By Few


Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.” 1 Samuel 14:6


God’s way is to work out His will when there seems to be no way to do so. All God is looking for is just one, or maybe a handful of men and women ready to work with God as He works His wonders among us. Jonathan looked at God’s track record and wanted a front-row seat on how God would use two people to route the whole Philistine army. Jonathan no doubt recounted the story of God choosing the smallest nation of Israel to take down the largest nations in the land. Jonathan had learned that God’s math isn’t like our math as in the example of the Judge Gideon. God’s math told Gideon that when he went to battle with God it would be as if he were “fighting against one man.”(Judges 6:16) God gave Gideon this promise when he was only one man. This assumption meant it didn’t matter how many more men he added to himself he would never be outnumbered as long as God was fighting his battles. Based on this God math, the subtraction that takes place in Judges 7, when logic dictated multiplication, actually begins to make sense. The Midianites outnumbered Gideon and his army 4 to 1 (32,000 vs. 120,000). God didn’t want Gideon to be tempted to take credit for the victory to come so he gave Gideon a word problem. God’s word problem was a real problem. How much do you have left when you take 32,000 and subtract 22,000 fearful soldiers and then subtract again 9,400 careless soldiers? To God, it was a winning number. 300 was all Gideon needed because God had already said back at home that one willing soul was all He needed. God got rid of those who were fearful and kept those who were careful. So, Jonathan did the math and knew that all God needed was one willing soul to take Him at His word. No wonder Jonathan and David would become such good friends for David had this same belief in God’s ability to win no matter what. It’s only a few chapters later that this young shepherd boy would face a giant problem named Goliath while Saul and the rest of Israel’s army hid in their tents. Do you remember what he said to Goliath on that field that day with nothing but a sling, and a stone and fierce faith in his God? “And everyone assembled here will know that the Lord rescues his people, but not with sword and spear. This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us!” (1 Sam 17:47).


The lesson God is schooling all of us on right now is the same he was teaching Gideon, Jonathan, and David, “With God on your side you are never outnumbered.” It’s the day after our first digital weekend. Every Christ-follower was hearing the pronouncements from news pundits that “Easter was canceled”. Easter is traditionally when the largest crowds of people will be willing to come to Church and hear the Gospel. Every pastor and Church leader was wondering how this was going to work if no one could gather together. Everyone was in their homes and only a few were allowed to gather to record the worship, preach the message, and share the Good News in creative ways. How in the world was this going to work? Well, God was at work. All He needed was a Jonathan heart that declared nothing will keep our Lord from saving people. The New York Times reported that Millions around the world tuned into online services on the holiest day of the Christian calendar. In Vatican City, Pope Francis celebrated Easter Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica on Sunday morning, empty of usual worshipers but live-streamed for a global audience. The pope delivered a message of resilience, speaking of “the contagion of hope.” “This is not a time for indifference,” Francis said, “because the whole world is suffering and needs to be united in facing the pandemic.” Greg Laurie reported on his Facebook page, “We had the largest crowd ever in attendance at Harvest campus’s this last Easter Sunday. Praise God for that! Now, it’s time to make Church a regular part of your life!” With 36,000 people inviting the Gospel message right into their homes he sees the challenge of the Pandemic the way Jonathan did, “God will save by many or by few”. God always turns that which was meant for our harm and turns it for the good when we are willing to turn our attention towards Him instead of our mounting obstacles. Normally New Hope Oahu meets in the Neil Blaisdell Arena. We have a picture on our Ministry Center wall from a few years ago with our largest Easter weekend gathering of over 25,000 people in one room. There’s never been a gathering close to that size since… until this Easter weekend. Over the course of the 18 Good Friday and Easter Sunday services we had over 66,000 people in attendance online and saw over 200 people come to know Christ. When Pastor John Tilton told me those numbers I almost fell out of chair. I knew it would be big, but I didn’t think it would be that big. I shouldn’t have been surprised. On the weekend of empty church buildings, we celebrated the empty tomb with full hearts and full homes. This was the first time in my lifetime where I saw the reality of the resurrection truly hit home on every level. All it took was a small group of men and women ready to take God at His Word. We ended up with a front-row seat on one of the greatest spiritual victories I’ve ever seen.


You were never in a box. It’s been my thinking that was in a box. I have assumed for so long that there were certain ways Your Church would look. This past weekend I realized I’ve been thinking so small. The exponential growth of the Good News going to the world through a few willing men and woman this past Easter is Your powerful way of reminding me that nothing will restrain You from saving by many or by few. You used a few to reach many and I can’t wait to see what You’re about to do next! Forgive me for thinks so small and failing to see what You are up to in these difficult times.

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