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Writer's pictureJon Burgess

Are We Just Bumping In To Jesus?


44Coming up behind Jesus, she touched the fringe of his robe. Immediately, the bleeding stopped.

45 “Who touched me?” Jesus asked. Everyone denied it, and Peter said, “Master, this whole crowd is pressing up against you.” 46But Jesus said, “Someone deliberately touched me, for I felt healing power go out from me.” Luke 8:44-46


Luke was a physician so he knew exactly how expensive doctors bills could be. This poor woman had spent 12 years with an issue of blood and she emptied her bank account trying to find a cure. Not only was she worse off than before, but she was considered unclean in the Jewish community and was not allowed to be near people, let alone suffocating crowds, let alone touching a Rabbi. On this day though, out of sheer desperation she was willing risk everything just to touch the fringe of Jesus’ robe. There was a superstition that the mere fringe of a holy man could heal a person. There was no way she was going to draw attention to herself, there was too much shame to ask Jesus directly for healing, so this was her only shot… and she took it. She made a conscious effort to push through the crowds and intentionally reach out to Jesus and God honored that point of faith. She was instantly healed in that moment. Everyone else had been bumping in to Jesus yet there was one woman who was deliberately seeking to touch Him! Jesus honored this deliberate faith with a deliberate and public vindication and validation of this woman in front of everyone in her town. “47When the woman realized that she could not stay hidden, she began to tremble and fell to her knees in front of him. The whole crowd heard her explain why she had touched him and that she had been immediately healed. 48“Daughter,” he said to her, “your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”

Deliberate Identity- She is the only one in all of the New Testament that Jesus directly identifies as “daughter”. She had spent 12 years of her life as an outcast, now she was family. She felt God must think her nothing more than trash, now she knew she was treasured.

Deliberate Vindication- Jesus wanted everyone to know this private healing truly happened. That even though the miracle could only be known by her, He wanted everyone to know she wasn’t making this up. This was not a manufactured con, but a bonified miracle.

Deliberate Example- There’s no doubt there were many others in that crowd that were sick as well, but she was the only one healed. Why? There’s a big difference between bumping in to Jesus and reaching out to Jesus. There’s no such thing as accidental or default Christianity. An apprentice of Jesus is someone who is actively seeking, asking, and knocking in their pursuit of growing closer to Christ!


Yesterday, I had the great joy of leading a young man to Jesus! I had met him a few months ago at one of our young adult gatherings. He had brought his girlfriend and one old daughter with him and we had a great conversation.  I had given him my number at the end of the night and asked him to reach out should he ever want to get together to talk. I hadn’t heard from him since so I figured that was the end of that. Then, out of the blue, he texted me, “I’m not sure if you remember me but I’m looking for a little guidance hon how build my relationship with Jesus and figured you’d be a great person to talk to.” I was blown away. I’ve been in ministry for almost 30 years and can count on one hand how many texts I’ve received like this that were such a deliberate reaching out to Jesus. So, over a deli sandwich at lunch we talked about his background and how, through some tragedies in his life, he had fallen away from God. He wanted to do right by his girlfriend and get married.  He wanted to do right by his daughter and give her an example to follow. I told him these were all noble and good things that every man should desire. I also said that his journey back to Jesus needed to be first and foremost because he knew he needed the forgiveness and grace of Jesus for his own life. The foundation of faith He would lay in his life would be the foundation his family and his future was built on. He desperately wanted that. So right there in that deli with crowds of people standing around waiting for their sandwiches he reached out and touched Jesus. After we finished praying there was a light to his countenance and he told me felt a weight and stirring on the inside. I told him that was The Holy Spirit. We will be meeting together regularly as I disciple him through the Life Journal. This young man had been bumping in to Jesus all growing up as a Catholic, but in this moment he reached to Jesus and was given an identity as a son!


Lord, I thank You for you the privilege of partnering with The Goode family in our young adults ministry. I’m seeing You do some pretty amazing things as You draw the hearts of this generation back to yourself. I pray for this young man and the many others who are coming back to You. Bring the fathers and mothers needed in this time to guide their hearts through the challenges of life.  Forgive me for the times when I’ve settled for just bumping in to You in a crowd, instead of reaching out to You in desperation.

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