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Writer's pictureJon Burgess

An Opportune Opposition


12“But before all this occurs, there will be a time of great persecution. You will be dragged into synagogues and prisons, and you will stand trial before kings and governors because you are my followers. 13But this will be your opportunity to tell them about me. 14So don’t worry in advance about how to answer the charges against you, 15for I will give you the right words and such wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to reply or refute you! 16Even those closest to you—your parents, brothers, relatives, and friends—will betray you. They will even kill some of you. 17And everyone will hate you because you are my followers. 18But not a hair of your head will perish! 19By standing firm, you will win your souls. Luke 21:12-18


The Greek wording Jesus uses here is very interesting, almost ironic. He talks of the great opportunities that come with opposition and persecution. Most of us would consider a free vacation on a cruise ship something to be excited about. Not that’s an opportunity! Jesus says, “when you’re dragged in and down that’s your opportunity to step up and out for your faith”. The wording He uses is the same word used for disembarking from a ship. That what is meant to tear you down will “turn out” to be an opportunity to step out into the fresh air and share your Savior Story or testimony. When you feel most trapped that will “turn out” to be when you are most free to let The Holy Spirit speak through you. The Greek word for testimony is “martyrion” where, of course, we get our English word for martyr- one who lays down their life for their faith. Excited yet? The word is a legal term of evidence being presented to the court as proof that the argument is true. Jesus has a closing argument that will silence the naysayers of the world and it’s your life and mine and how we’ve been transformed through grace. Jesus goes on to say we don’t need rehearse what we’re going to say in our defense and roll it around in our minds over and over. In fact, one translation says, “settle it in your hearts not meditate before on what you shall answer.” In the Greek it means to lay down and place in His hands. He doesn’t want us to stew on the injustice of the situation but to seek Him, the God of Justice and let Him do the talking through us. We see this very thing happen In Acts 4:13: “The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.” Peter and John were the evidence that Jesus was alive and well and working through them! The words that came from Peter and John weren’t their words, but the inspiration of The Holy Spirit. This was an opportune opposition and Jesus was glorified in it.


Here we are in our Life Group reading our Bibles and praying without any fear of reprisal or backlash. Though there are many martyred for their faith in Christ all around the world those of who follow Jesus here in the U.S. have had it reasonably easy for many years. We don’t face persecution for our faith. We aren’t being pulled in front of legal tribunals and being asked to deny our faith or die. We do, however, have an amazing opportunity to apply what Jesus is saying here to our current state of unrest, political division, and fear driven mandates. Every tense situation we find ourselves is an opportune opposition, a choice to disembark off of the ship of fear, and see what Jesus wants to do. It doesn’t matter what the argument is, vax or no vax, mask or no mask, mandate or no mandate, Republican or Democrat, Jesus is making it clear He wants His people smack dab in the middle of the mess. That mess may not be a legal preceding, yet, but it will definitely be with family members and friends as Jesus describes here. Why would Jesus allow this? Because we are the evidence that Jesus is really alive by how we love the person in front of us no matter what they are falsely accusing us of. You see, this isn’t about winning an argument, it’s about being the evidence that Jesus is bigger than the fear that is currently holding BOTH SIDES of every argument in captivity. Both sides are fighting for self-preservation, but when you’re mindset is “I’m a martyr for my Savior”, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain- the soul of another person coming to Christ! Now there’s a different way to look at the divisive reality we all find ourselves in. Jesus is allowing this to happen so many more can hear our Savior Story. We just have to make sure our witness doesn’t get lost in a fearful defense of our specific positions.


Jesus, I’m not in the habit of looking at opposition as an opportunity for my faith. I’m usually in the habit of being very defensive when some one is attacking my position and justified argument. I will rehearse the arguments and points in my head over and over again and yet You are asking me to lay it down, let go. You want me to prepare to be the evidence that Your love is real for everyone, not just those I agree with! I’m not facing persecution but I am facing opposition and this is an opportunity not to win an argument to be the evidence of Your love. It doesn’t mean I can’t have a well reasoned Biblical stance on specific issues. You’re simply asking me to not find my identity or security in my argument or else all people will see is my argument instead of You!

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