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Writer's pictureJon Burgess

Alone With Jesus... And Lola


They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” Luke 24:32


I love this post-resurrection story so much! Here we have a despondent married couple, Cleopas and Mary (who was present with Jesus at The Cross), taking the miles long journey back home to Emmaus. They have left the other disciples in Jerusalem who were just as confused about all that had taken place. I love how they ask Jesus, “Are you a complete stranger to this area?” Jesus hid Himself so they could come out from hiding in their grief.  Everyone needs a chance to tell their story, to unload, to be raw and real.  Jesus gave them this chance.  He wasn't offended by their doubt. They had hoped to be freed from Roman oppression and didn't realize the man they were schooling had just set them free from the oppression of sin and death. To them The Messiah was still dead and they still had no hope. Jesus didn't need to defend Himself, correct their false theology...yet... he just listened.  


This kind of raw and real conversation can only happen when we get alone with Jesus. We need to be honest before we need answers. Honesty leads to clarity. How honest are we being with God right now? He’s on this journey with us, but we have been so caught up in the business of life we can’t recognize Him yet. Solitude, time away from the crowd and, time alone with Jesus reminds us that when we know He hears us we start to hear Him. They opened up with Jesus, now Jesus opened up the Word with them and their hearts were burning within them. Jesus makes it simple. We make it complicated. Want to reconnect with Jesus? Get alone with Him, be honest with Him, leave the distractions behind.  I’m not good at the spiritual practice of solitude and silence.  In other words, for a wordy, extrovert like me, I need to practice using less words and spending more time alone with Jesus. This morning I did a radical thing and left my iPhone on the counter while I walked our dog Lola. That one simple choice made me aware of just how attached I am to that device. As I walked I prayed and repented for not spending more time alone with Him. I felt the comfort of His Spirit reminding me that He actually likes to spend time with me. Then, I felt the conviction of Holy Spirit as I realized how much I’m just like my puppy Lola. I was at the stop light and the speaker was saying “wait, wait, wait…” over and over, but Lola was tugging at the leash to keep going. If I had let her go she would have run right in front of oncoming traffic. Waiting on the Lord isn’t punishment, it’s preservation and preparation for what’s next.  When she saw another dog she was no longer content to walk by my side and tugged at the leash so much she was choking herself.  She wasn’t going to be happy until she could greet every dog she saw. When I’m not committed to time alone with Jesus I will look to every other relationship for what only He can provide. Then, when she saw we were close to home she just wanted the treat I would give as a reward. What do I want more, God’s presents or His presence?


Was not my heart burning within me while You talked me along the road? So, why do I choose to chase after so many other things when You truly are the only that satisfies? I choose to wait on You whether I feel like it or not. I choose to trust Your timing over my own. I will put time alone with You as my priority over time with anyone else.  I’m so thankful for all You continue to give me, but I want Your presence more than Your presence. Forgive me for being satisfied with any thing less than being alone with You.

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