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Writer's pictureJon Burgess

All Access Pass


Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory. Romans 5:2


Because of what Jesus has done for us we have been granted an all access pass into the very presence of God. Notice, it’s Christ who brings us in. No one could simply waltz into the throne room of a King. They would be put to death if not presented by someone the King trusted. There’s no sneaking into the presence of a Holy God. There’s no earning our way into His favor. We must be “brought” in by the only one worthy. Leon Morris on access: “The idea is that of introduction to the presence-chamber of a monarch. The rendering access is inadequate, as it leaves out of sight the fact that we do not come in our own strength, but need an ‘introducer’—Christ.” Notice also, we don’t just run in and out quickly. When we are brought in by grace we get to stand and stay in that grace. Our confidence and joy flows from the fact that we will never again have to live outside of His presence and that our lives get to share God’s glory with those around us. We don’t just begin in grace, we continue in grace, in God’s unmerited favor. Morris points out: “We stand translates a perfect tense, used in this sense of the present, and with the thought of a continuing attitude.”


Back in college, I remember getting to go a concert with my favorite Christian artist, Rich Mullins. I had all of his tapes, yes... cassette tapes. I knew all the words to all of his songs. During his break he went to a back room and a few select people with all access passes were allowed to go in with him. I peaked past the guard to see they were all eating and drinking and laughing together. I wanted so badly to be in that back room, I wanted to tell him how his music had ministered to me in so many different seasons of my life. So, when the guard walked away I took my shot and snuck into the back room. I walked with confidence like I was supposed to be there while knowing all the while I might get found out any moment. I just listened as he, being a very down to earth guy who did most of his concerts bare foot, told stories and listened others in the room. I looked for my opportunity to go up to him and thank him and he received it with humility and thanked for sharing that. To my surprise nobody came to kick me out. He walked out soon after to do the second half of his concert and I walked out feeling that I had been given a brief but satisfying gift to be in the presence of Rich Mullins. Now, multiply that by millions. Through Jesus we have been all access pass into the presence of God. We don’t have to sneak in. We don’t have to fear we will be found out or told we don’t belong. Here’s the thing, it’s not just one stolen conversation. It’s an unending and eternal invitation to walk in the confidence and joy of a person saved by grace and sharing God’s glory. Here’s the weird thing. We have been granted this, but often don’t use this all access pass into God’s presence. We start out in grace, but then try to continue in our own strength, and by our own works try to maintain this Christian life on our own. It just doesn’t work that way.


Rich Mullins wrote this in his song Let Mercy Lead (a song we prayed over our son Aden before he was born). I pray this prayer now.

Let mercy lead

Let love be the strength in your legs

And in every footprint that you leave

There'll be a drop of grace

If we can reach

Beyond the wisdom of this age

Into the foolishness of God

That foolishness will save

Those who believe

Although their foolish hearts may break

They will find peace

And I'll meet you in that place

Where mercy leads

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